Universal League for Public Welfare

March 24 at the Maison des Parents

It is at the Maison des Parents at 78 rue de Romainville – 75019 Paris, that the Universal League for Public Good joined in the inauguration of the “Wall of Heroes”. Representatives of the Ronald Macdonald Foundation, which manages this Maison des Parents, were present. This welcomes the parents and families of children hospitalized for a long period at the Robert Debré Hospital. Moreover, this day, 2 Ukrainian families came there to look after their children and were thus able to participate in the event. Many patrons have joined forces to finance the purchase of Legos figurines, as well as

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Delivery of March 11, 2022 at the SENAT RESTAURANT

Angel NGUYEN VAN HO A former official of the national police, the reserve soldier Angel NGUYEN VAN HO is the CEO of Elokami group, of which he is the founder. From 2009 to 2016, at the head of Elokami group, he participated in the production of numerous reports in Japan. He imports into France during concerts pioneering technologies of sound, light and images. He is one of the first to develop metaverse technology in France. Particularly interested in new digital frontiers, he invested in Blockchain and founded NFT4ALL (NFT for all), an innovative French company that aims to develop NFT

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Delivery of December 3, 2021

It is at least that the handover was made to the Republican Guard in the Valmy room of the mess of the Célestins barracks – Paris 4. Indeed the Covid has once again upset our meeting. It was planned 110 people with 18 awards of distinction from people from all over the world. Unfortunately, it was necessary to make dark cuts to reduce to 50 people and only 7 awards. It was nevertheless an excellent evening, with a superb and convivial meal. We started the meeting with 1 minute of silence for our members who died during the year, and

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Tribute to Josephine BAKER

Joséphine Baker and Mistinguett hired an Italian dancer Alberto Spadolini, their network of espionage and resistance made the success that we know. All were decorated in 1955 with the International Order of Public Welfare at the rank of Commander’s Cross Once again thank you for your commitment and defending the values ​​of the republic, this is all the more remarkable that they were foreigners, (American and Italian). Joséphine, welcome to the Pantheon the Homeland of Great Men

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OCTOBER 1st – Restaurant of the SENATE

BOUDIGNON Michel Né le 1er juin 1958 à Paris 13e Service militaire chez les marins pompiers de Cherbourg affecté à bord du sous-marin « Gymnote »Salarié de la SEMMARIS de 1980 à 2019.Administrateur de la SEMMARIS de 1996 à 2019.Chef de secteur des produits carnés de 1995 à 2019.Président d’audience au Conseil des Prudhommes 1997 à 2008.Conseiller des Prudhommes de 2008 à 2019.Médaille du mérite Agricole en 1996.Médaille de la Société d’Encouragement au Progrès 2018.A participé à l’opération du baptême de l’air des enfants malades à TOUSSUS-LE-NOBLELa ligue universelle st heureuse de lui remettre sa médaille d’Argent.

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Celebration in Hospital

On September 18, 2021, the Robert Debré Hospital Bears Cruise organized in a barge during a cruise on the Seine. The goal was to replace canceled stays, because of Covid, and also be able to thank caregivers and volunteer staff, as well as sponsors who help the Association improve the stay of sick and disabled children. Many children followed in AP-HP Hospitals: Robert Debré, Jean Verdier, Louis Mourier, and the Adolphe de Rothschild Foundation were present. On this occasion, the Universal League for Public Welfare was invited. and we were able to put back on board during the welcome speech

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Extracts from the Gazette of St-Quentin in Yveline

The Universal League for Public Welfare wanted to leave a lot of room for caregivers when it presented its Civism and Volunteering distinctions. There is no doubt that these people will soon be joined by others to highlight this priesthood in support of the elderly, whom we leave more easily forgotten during the frantic race of our society. These elderly people are part of the Public Good, because without them the new generations would not exist. Let’s take care to slow down this desire to go even faster. Let’s take the time to live, let’s not miss a humanity necessary

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Delivery of Senate Distinction June 21, 2021

Bonjour à toutes et à tous

Aujourd’hui, nous remettons la distinction du Civisme et du Bénévolat sous l’égide de la Ligue Universelle du Bien Public. C’est dans ce lieu magnifique du restaurant dans les salles Napoléon et Pourpre, que la manifestation s’est déroulée.

La remise des distinctions du Civisme et du Bénévolat fut suivie d’un cocktail fort apprécié. Merci à nos partenaires pour leur aide à organiser cette soirée : La Banque Postale et la Sté Mondial Protection.

Merci également à Iskander IOUSOUPOV, 1er ministre du Tatarstan de nous honorer de sa présence. Merci également à Clency MAGON de l’ambassade de l’Île Maurice ; (tous deux membres de la Ligue), ainsi qu’à des membres de notre association.

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Wreath Laying on June 16, 2021

It is with joy that despite the still present traces of the Covisd we were able to at least but with as much emotion and fervor lay a wreath and rekindle the Flame. EPIDE DE L’Essonne was with us with a contingent of highly motivated young people. Under the aegis of the Universal League for Public Welfare, 4 wreaths were laid. – the Universal League for Public Good– the Association of Chinese in – France– the French Cultural Association Q.I.L.U– the ANVOGFE Hoping to find more of us next year and without a mask.

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Serge GUILLEMOT is no more!

This Friday, June 11, 2021, our Honorary President Serge Guillemot died in his 89th year at his home in Lichères-près-Aigremont in Yonne. For more than 30 years, he was a member of the Board of Directors and then President of Etoile Civique, as well as President of the Universal League for Public Good. He was also an active and devoted member of many other associations. I rubbed shoulders with him for nearly 40 years from the Lycée Diderot, which he visited as part of his membership of Groupe Renault, then Etoile Civique and for the past 15 years at the

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