Hello everyone
Today, we are placing the distinction for Citizenship and Volunteering under the aegis of the Universal League for Public Good. It is in this magnificent place of the restaurant in the Napoleon and Purple rooms that the event took place.
The presentation of the distinctions of Civics and Volunteering was followed by a much appreciated cocktail. Thank you to our partners for their help in organizing this evening: La Banque Postale and the Société Mondial Protection.
Thank you also to Iskander IOUSOUPOV, Prime Minister of Tatarstan for honoring us with his presence. Thanks also to Clency MAGON from the Embassy of Mauritius; (both members of the League), as well as members of our association.
18 distinctions will be awarded in 3 main areas:
– civility
– nurses and staff of EPAD KORIAN
– AFM/Telethon
I call the first group: NEOLY
“Getting involved in politics means giving of oneself, for the community, for fellow citizens.
This is what we have learned, thanks to our project, Neoly.
Neoly was born following a student competition within the digital campus paris school. Competition that closed our 3 years of bachelor, multimedia project manager. It is thanks to hard work that lasted more than 2 months that we, Valentin Gresse, Floreine Rodriguez, Juliette Kiekens, Anthony Rodriguez, Aurélien Crapart, Samy Ouadhi and Sébastien Ervi were able to finish 1st in this competition, which brought together around ten of groups. With the prize for the best motion design awarded to Juliette Kiekens, that of the best community manager awarded to Valentin Gresse and also that of there best project manager, awarded to Floreine Rodriguez. Obviously, all of this would not have been possible without the help of our trainers, such as Henry pheng for the web development part, Grégory Nedelec for the digital strategy part or Xavier Roumilhac for the motion design part.
The purpose of this competition was to bring us together as a group, in order to set up a project, create a solution by creating a web platform and communicate about it.
We understood, with the help of the Mayor of Tulles Bernard Combe, who gave his time to answer our questions, that managing his elected function required time, energy but also balance. Thus, Néoly was designed to simplify the key stages of the mandate of our elected politicians. Its objective is to help them analyze, collaborate, decide, build with ease, so that they can prioritize their actions, the needs of fellow citizens and the resources at their disposal. They will be able to follow their files, and navigate in a more transparent legislative system. Thus they will be able to invest the time saved in concrete actions and strengthen the close link with fellow citizens, but also lighten their mental load, in order to combine political commitment, professional life, private life, in complete harmony.
We continue to work to make the platform as perfect as possible.
We would like to thank the universal league of public good for this honorary distinction that it gives us this evening.
Long live the republic, long live France. »
– RODRIGUEZ Floreine, KIEKENS Juliette, GRESSE Valentin, OUADHI Samy, CRAPART Aurélien, ERVI Sébastien, RODRIGUEZ Anthony, ROUMILLHAC Xavier, NEDELEC Grégory, PHENG Henri.
– OUZERI Ramzi, in his 3rd year of law school, spends his free time with the Nez Rouge association, in hospitals to entertain sick and disabled children. It is also present in other associations to help its members.
The manager of the many EHPAD KORIAN held through his EHPAD director Benjamin JOUANI to award the distinctions to a representative part of the nursing world.
Were present the Departmental Director of KORIAN, Jean-Pierre CORRE, the Deputy Mayor of Montigny-le-Bretonneux Mrs ABHAY, Mrs DANION municipal councilor in charge of health issues at the Town Hall of Voisins-le-Bretonneux.
– AGOBE Florence, NIEL Christophe, SLILEM Nor-Iddin, QUEVAL Corentin, TOUATI Sabrina
Two people from the AFM/Téléthon
– Bastien VERNHES: AFM/Telethon volunteer in department 93.
– Patricia CORDEAU, Director of the AFM/Téléthon Regional Service. She has worked with her team to maintain the link between the families of sick children and provides them with masks and support.