Universal League for Public Welfare

Delivery of March 11, 2022 at the SENAT RESTAURANT


A former official of the national police, the reserve soldier Angel NGUYEN VAN HO is the CEO of Elokami group, of which he is the founder.

From 2009 to 2016, at the head of Elokami group, he participated in the production of numerous reports in Japan. He imports into France during concerts pioneering technologies of sound, light and images. He is one of the first to develop metaverse technology in France.

Particularly interested in new digital frontiers, he invested in Blockchain and founded NFT4ALL (NFT for all), an innovative French company that aims to develop NFT in France and all related technologies.

A soldier within the operational reserve of the Val-d’Oise departmental gendarmerie group, he carries out local surveillance missions and contact with the populations where he gives complete satisfaction in his way of serving. At the head of Elokami groupe, he contributes to the development of Cadets de la gendarmerie d’Île-de-France, a support system for young Ile-de-France residents aged 17 to 21 from priority neighborhoods in the city who wish to take part in competitions. and selection of the gendarmerie and public security professions, lato sensu.

Consequently, the president of the national federation of operational reservists and citizens of the national gendarmerie has the honor of sponsoring the candidacy of operational reservist Angel NGUYEN VAN HO for the Silver Medal with Palme de la Ligue Universelle du Bien Public.


Coming from a modest family, he describes himself as a product of the republican school which allowed him to become a graduate engineer from the Ecole Centrale Supélec, national auditor of the Institute of Advanced Studies of National Defenses, auditor of the cycle of Hautes-Etudes of the ENA and to integrate the Polytechnic school.

In 2014, he was deputy mayor in charge of economic, commercial and digital development in the city of Sevran.

For 6 years, he contributed to the attractiveness of this city considered one of the poorest in France. Despite the economic and social difficulties, in a city of 52,000 inhabitants, it is committed to serving the population, traders and businesses to find solutions.

In 2018, he created the neighborhood digital solidarity school. After 4 years of effort and when at first few people believed in his project, he was able to obtain financial support from the state and Pôle Emploi and bring the project to fruition. The school has also received the Grande Ecole du Numérique label from the state. It now trains young people who are failing at school and unemployed people in a profession recognized by the Ministry of Labour.

In 2015, he was appointed as a member of the Grand Paris Digital Strategy Committee. The objective of the metropolis was then to have the “most digital metro in the world”. It participates with state actors and experts in defining the digital orientations of the future metro.

As president of the CFTC Confédération des Travailleurs Chrétiens in the department of Hauts de Seine, he likes to serve the general interest and meet business leaders, local authorities and employees in difficulty for to help.

On the other hand, engaged as an officer of the national gendarmerie in the operational reserve since 2017, he has developed an appetite for crisis management issues, and for security and public order issues. He was also the founder of France Business TV which promotes the fine actions of the state and the issues of defense and national security of our country.

As an IHEDN auditor, within the national sovereignty and cybersecurity session, he contributed in 2020 with state actors to a report whose objective was to ensure security and public order on our digital territories.

Finally, he was the co-founder of the foundation the 3 voices of hope which works for the rapprochement of Jewish, Christian and Muslim cultures and in particular through the organization of Jewish-Arab concerts under the background of Andalusian music between Paris, Rabat and Jerusalem.


Benjamin Altur-Ortiz is a screenwriter, director and film producer, born on December 22, 1972. At a very young age, he became an informed cinephile, and discovered the great classic, European and Hollywood films of Elia Kazan and Billy Wilder, in the theaters of the Latin Quarter.

Benjamin Altur-Ortiz is among the winners of the 1st Bac A3 Cinema option at Charles de Foucault high school. Then, free auditor at New York University, he attends the Master classes of Spike Lee, of Costa-Gavras, and follows courses at the International Student Center of NYU for 2 years, in order to prepare his entrance exam to the FilmSchool.

Back in France, he completed a deug de Lettres at the Sorbonne, then joined the lnstitut International de l’lmage et du Son (3is), where he specialized in directing from 1996 to 1999.

From the first year, he made his first short film “Thieves of apples” which is a humanist story. He then turns “The Ocean does not want me today ››,

In 2000, Benjamin Altur-Ortiz set up AORA Films, a production company with which he produced and directed short films. One of them, “The good way ››, which he writes, directs and produces, is on the way to the selections of the Cannes Film Festival for the prize of the “Best short film ››. He produces and directs a documentary on handicapped children, with cerebral palsy, which he shoots at the lnstitut d’Education Motrice Madeleine Fockenberghe in Gonesse, entitled “La main dans le chapeau” (hand in cap). This film is viewed in medical schools for the training of nurses and caregivers.

In 2002, he set up Benur Productions, oriented towards institutional films in the medical field. he directed and produced, among other things, the short film “La déhottée” ›› In 2014, he joined the Association Women Safe & Children when it was created. This association welcomes, advises and assists women victims of psychological, physical or sexual violence. He takes charge of communication, and becomes the event project manager.

He is a member of the association Saisons de culture which promotes the professions of art and culture. In 2020, he created Benur films, a new production company that produces a documentary series on art, directed by photographer Lionel Samain. This series receives the award for “Best animated film” at the Athens international art film festival in 2021.

Sensitive to social issues, he produced a short film on migrants, “In the middle of the lands ››, with Bernard Pinet in the lead role which won the “Best actor” award in Toronto. In New York, this film is “Best film” at the Alternative film festival, in Cannes, it is “Best narrative short films” at the World film festival, and in Canada, in 2021, it receives the “Prix d’excellence” › from Canada shorts film festival. Since then, this film has received more than ten Official Selections around the world.

Benjamin Altur-0rtiz has just produced a feature documentary Dunk or Die, this humanist film highlights the values ​​of sport, and tells a story of redemption by this way. Canal + holds the rights for France to this film, available on VoD platforms around the world, which received the “Guirlande d’honneur” from the lnternationaI FICTS Sport Movies festival in Milan.

For all his humanitarian approach The Universal League for Public Good is happy to award him his Silver medal with Palme.


You were born in 1973 in Rabat, Morocco.

After university studies, you complete an MBA in Risk Management, International Security and Cybersecurity at the Paris School of Economic Warfare.

You are also completing an MBA in Negotiation Influence Strategy and Psychological Warfare at the same School.

Also certification in OSINT and Intelligence Services at the Paris War School.

From 1994 to 2010, you were Senior Intelligence Officer (16 years of experience). Then, you exercise several High functions of which we cannot for security reasons develop the content.

You have several managerial and strategic training courses in Morocco and abroad.

You are a member of the Network of Experts in Economic Intelligence.

Vice-president of the International Federation of Jiu-Jistu.

Pioneer of Security Intelligence, a new 100% Moroccan concept.

Congratulations from several Moroccan and foreign security dignitaries.

For all your involvement in sport and public safety for greater peace and respect like what you practice on a tatami, the Universal League for Public Good is honored to award you its Silver Medal with Palme and Crown.


Osteopath DO Biomechanic, captain (R) Samuel HAGIAKIAN has been practicing in private practice since 2008. At the same time, he is a federal instructor of Shotokan Karate and defense karate for the benefit of young Parisians.

From 2009 to 2016, he was a teacher and trainer in a higher school of Osteopathy where his teaching qualities are recognized by his students and the management of the establishment. In 2007, he was a trainer at Posturéa, which he co-founded in order to deliver training sessions in companies to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.

In 2014, he founded the ECHOstéo association which works in Armenia. This association has provided free care to 3,000 Armenian patients over 2 years and is supporting the project to create a national school in Armenia, in particular by training health managers in biomechanical osteopathy.

A reserve officer in the Air Force, he is a national instructor in the technique of optimizing potential and managing stress. In this position, he trains all the monitors of this training of the gendarmerie.

Consequently, the President of the National Federation of Operational Reserves and Citizens of the National Gendarmerie has the honor to sponsor the candidacy of Captain (R) Samuel HAGIAKIAN for the Silver Medal with Palm and Crown of the Universal League of Public Good.

Murielle HENRY

Mrs. Murielle HENRY worked as a nurse then did brilliant studies and finally the training cycle of Director of Health and Social Establishment in Rennes at the National School of Public Health (now called School of Advanced Studies in Public Health or EHESP ), diploma labeled EURODIR. She has always made professional commitments in the service of the Public Good, particularly in the field of health and in favor of dependent elderly people.

Her remarkable professional career from 1988 to 2002, which her CV specifies, prepared her to be Public Director of a Retirement Home: EHPAD in Seine Saint Denis in Blanc-Mesnil then Deputy Director of the local hospitals of Houdan and Montfort L’Amaury in Yvelines.

That she was chosen on February 1, 2008 by the Philanthropic Society, a non-profit association recognized as being of public utility, to direct the Residence Zemgor in Cormeilles en Parisis in Val d’Oise, the largest establishment of this Association, reveals the recognition of his skills and his sense of the non-profit Public Good. Indeed, she has been working since 2008 as part of a secondment from the Public Hospital Service as Director of the Zemgor Residence, EHPAD with 208 beds + 12 day care places + a respite platform for caregivers.

Director of this establishment, she developed and implemented what was useful to meet new needs, among others:

  • the development and creation of new services within the framework of the Alzheimer sector and the response to emerging needs (unit for aging psychotic people)
  • financial and economic management: operating budget, restoration of financial balance
  • the development and monitoring of the reconstruction program for two thirds of the establishment
  • the impetus of a quality culture and the development of a process of continuous improvement of quality and risk management… submission to external evaluation… development of a policy to improve working conditions…

With the health crisis, the COVID, despite all the difficulties encountered, I know that Ms. HENRY has kept the humanist values ​​that drive her. She was invited to participate in the July 14, 2020 parade by the Presidency of the Republic.

Supporting non-profit associations that welcome the elderly is essential today, and likewise, honoring the people who run them, in accordance with the values ​​of La Ligue Universelle du Bien Public

For all his commitment, the Universal League in agreement with Mr. Léon Dujardin, is happy to give him his Silver medal with Palm and Crown.

Stéphane METERFI

At the head of the production company “Wesh Wesh Production ››, Stéphane METERFI notably co-produced “Le baltringue“ with Vincent Lagaf and Phillipe Cura, released in theaters in 2010 as well as “Nicostratos Le Pélican” with Emir Kusturica and François -Xavier Demaison.

He is also president of “Débarquement Jeunes ››, a social organization association created in 1995 which aims to improve the image of neighborhoods by making young people aware of the functioning of institutions and their actors.

Stéphane METERFI wants to change people’s perception of the reality of the suburbs. Very innovative in its approach, during the incidents in Clichy-sous-Bois, it proposed to all the major directors of television channels to accompany their journalists “in immersion” in the neighborhoods, and, more specifically, in schools. . They then created the “Media forums ›› tool.

The association provides young people who need computers, music creation software, a studio, an exhibition hall, graffiti workshops and a multimedia bus that criss-crosses the neighbourhoods.

Débarquement Jeunes accompanies many solidarity actions and distributes to member families (in precarious situations) goods provided by the association Dons Solidaires (Paris). She also works with young people in prison.

Stéphane METERFI and his team create “La Nuit des Trophées”, also called the “Cannes des Banlieues festival ››, the first edition of which took place in 2007. During this ceremony, a personality from the world of politics, entrepreneurship , sport or even show-business gives a prize to positive initiatives carried out in neighborhoods of different French departments. The projects awarded relate to professional promotion, reintegration, business creation, educational support and even sporting success. The next edition is scheduled for 2022 at the Olympia.

In 2014, he became an active member of the National Association of Collaborators of Ministers and Parliamentarians, of which he is now a member of the national office.

After a passage by the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, Stéphane METERFI became in 2018 resident diplomatic representative to the French Republic of RCEEDAO (Network of Chambers of European Experts, West Africa Department)

Since 2017, Stéphane METERFI has been president of the company “SMD CONSULTING ››. He accompanies and advises future entrepreneurs in their creation of startups.

In 2019, he created the company “METER-Technology and Strategy ›› specializing in innovative applications in which he developed the “Touch-To-Buy ›› technology, a tool for monetizing video content.

1993: National Winner “Youth Challenges ›› “Solidarity ›› Prize (Awarded by Michèle ALLIOT-MARIE)
1994: National winner of the “Civic Star ›› Prize “Civisme ››
1996: Winner of the Banlieues Trophy (Awarded by Simone VEIL)
2002: Laureate “Talent Des Cités ›› (Awarded by Claude BARTOLONE)
2002: Laureate “Recognition of Citizenship ›› (Awarded by Jacques CHIRAC)
2007: Bronze Medal for Youth and Sports (Awarded by Jean-François LAMOUR)
2014: Gold Medal for Youth and Sports.
2010: European Star Award for Civil and Military Dedication – Medal of Honor, gold level.
2008: Knight of the National Order of Merit (Awarded by Claude BEBEAR)
2009: Nation Year Defense Citizenship Prize (Awarded by Bernard ACCOYER)

To this panel is added the Silver medal with Palm and Crown of the Universal League of Public Good.


Since the beginning of his career he has been considered by his peers as a genius technician (he knows from memory and recognizes by touch the entry then the passage and exit of the naves through the body) his doctorate in acupuncture at the Vietnam then in China combined with a doctorate in conventional medicine in France made him a genius doctor. (Specialized in illnesses that do not say their name, or in unbearable pain that is not proven by radiation, he is the great specialist in incurable illnesses and lost causes. (following the example of this patient who from the At the age of twenty, following intolerable pain in the pelvis, he could no longer walk, run, stand upright, lie down or sleep, and because of his handicap, he never succeeded in finish his studies, neither to work, nor to marry, nor to procreate, nor to make friends, nor to participate in a social life, whose medicine considered his pain as illusory and non-existent, followed for 30 years in psychiatry to a madness that she did not possess, and it was only thirty five years later, in a single session, that her finally unblocked nerve made her pain stop with a single pressure from Dr. VO QUANG DANG. incredible from this extraordinary doctor)

For ten years it has become the last resort for terminal cancer patients (saving them from rapid death and amputation of cancer-affected limbs) through inexpensive and highly effective treatments. (He thus became head of service in French hospitals in oncology and infectiology)

The French government sent him in the 90s to French Polynesia in order to save the very risky population. (he invented the Polynesian health program associated with the Polynesian Catholic Church so that each Polynesian is monitored and treated medically) which has saved half the population suffering from diabetes and cancer and multiplied by two the Polynesian life expectancy (which did not exceed 35 years). On these islands only American restaurants flourished. Alongside the Catholic Church, Dr. VO QUANG DANG has taught tribal chiefs, priests and heads of families the value of traditional Polynesian local markets. (Western restaurants went bankrupt and Doctor VO QUANG DAN G was urgently recalled to Paris)

Doctor VO QUANG DANG then chose the specialization of general paralysis in medicine. (he therefore studied in Ile de France the thirty thousand files of the paralyzed – re-analyzed the medical causes of paralysis – then he quickly understood that the real causes of paralysis in general did not come from the rupture of the spinal cord at all (After 17 years of reflection, experimentation, and successive promising and innovative treatments, he achieved a world first: in 2020 he restored walking and limb mobility to a quadriplegic).

In 2018 his work was awarded the Prix Galien (it is the equivalent for doctors around the world of the Goncourt prize for French writers). He was nominated in second place for his outstanding work on the health of the paralyzed. (If he had been supported by powerful donors he would have won the prize).

Doctor Vo Guang Dang has always been for field medicine and helping populations in order to provide access to care for the most disadvantaged. For his entire career, the Universal League for Public Wealth is honored to award him his GOLD medal.

Le Professeur Christian PERRONNE

For twenty years he has been the global and national advocate for patients who are not recognized as being sick with LYMES (a global epidemic which infects between 50 million and 60 million men and women each year throughout the world). Thanks to him, the U.N., the United States and France recognize a status for these patients with appropriate medical treatment (while Russia, Scandinavia, the Eastern European countries, China, still do not recognize a single cases of Lyme in their territory).

For twenty years he has become a world authority in infectiology (his treatments restore health to thousands of patients with Alzheimer’s, Lyme, .. (see his book sold worldwide: “The truth about Lyme disease ››. He is invited to all countries.

– He is a living legend of medicine (he worked with Montagnier and with all the greatest French professors).

– He has worked for twenty years alongside health ministers and was chairman of the vaccination commission in France.

– He remains one of the greatest doctors in disease diagnosis in the world.

– During the Covid 19 period, he became, alongside Doctor RAOULT, the main opponent of government health management (his book has been number one in sales in France for a year now, “Is there a mistake they did not commit?”

– RAOULT and Lui obtained 17 °/o mortality of covid patients hospitalized in emergency while the national hospital services obtained 61% mortality (figure from French public hospitals) following their famous treatments (hydroxyne chloroquine associated with zythromycin )

– His endearing, warm and compassionate personality make him an exceptional doctor. (He gives himself totally to his patients in order to provide them with the best medical treatment)

I have seen with my own eyes large numbers of patients crying with joy and gratitude in the waiting rooms at the mere mention of his name.

He remained a simple and humble doctor all his life, although he became a world leader recognized by all. He fought all his life for a more effective and more humane, warmer medicine.

The UN decreed in 2010 that access to care was part of the Public Good, Professor Perronne therefore has his place among us and it is with humility that we give him our Gold Medal.

Jean-Pierre GUÉDON

The curriculum vitae is the synthesis of the active professional life, but the no less active retirement is not yet the subject of a synthesis

I would especially like to insist on the complementary aspect of the life next door which does not appear in a professional CV

Over the course of my life, to the extent of my means, in the light of my personal, intellectual, humanist values, I have wanted to participate in very diverse actions that I will dare to qualify as Public Good for my neighbors and from the community.

Let me give a few examples:

  • During my university period, I was involved for several years as a Scouts de France troop leader, and student unionism
  • I did my military service in cooperation in the Republic of Niger for two years, Deputy Head of Development, in charge of youth activities in the prefecture of Tahoua. The objective being to set up structures, organizations in which young people had to integrate for the development of their new republic
  • During my professional life, I took part in the creation, and in the presidency for a few years of a business club “Honorix ›› which brought together former executives of Rank Xerox who had left the group; The objective was to bring together executives of the same culture who had spread around meetings, cultural in particular, and to make it a place of exchanges, and support for the job search.
  • In retirement, I was President of the Thiais Golf Club for ten years, now honorary president
  • I am still Vice President of the Val-de-Marne Golf Committee. We carry out many actions to direct young people and adapted sports.
  • Still during my retirement, I provide voluntary support to executives seeking employment (personal support and workshop facilitation) first in two complementary fund structures: AGRR/La Mondiale, Médéric Malakoff, and now Force Femmes, supporting women over 45 in their job search.
  • Since 2006, I am engaged as a Citizen Reservist of the Ile-de-France Gendarmerie Region, with the rank of colonel. I participate in establishing the army / nation link, in the influence of the institution, and with my comrades I participate in various work sites in the service of the gendarmerie – finally, I am a member of the office of Souvenir Français Paris 17th.

For all your daily commitment in the city by serving the public good, we are happy to give you our GOLD medal.

Edouard LE ROUX

A graduate engineer, colonel of the citizen reserve of the gendarmerie Edouard LE ROUX has held high positions within the general directorate of armaments. Thus, after having been project director in the naval construction department, he joined the weapons systems department as a security officer. For nine years, he officiated in the defense security and information systems department, notably as chief of staff. Since 2019, he has been in charge of risk prevention at the local human resources services center.

Anxious to enable engineering school students to express the best of themselves, he is particularly involved in his duties as a teacher, member of juries and development council where he offers very innovative solutions. appreciated. His involvement is manifested by his election as general secretary of engineers and scientists of France for the Parisian metropolis. The School’s 2017 TCOM promotion for information and advanced techniques bears his name.

After having been an expert firefighter and a naval officer, he became a citizen reservist of the national gendarmerie. As an officer of the citizen reserve, he is involved in the link between the Nation and its armed forces by being a defense company correspondent and is involved in issues related to the status of military reservists. In 2021, Edouard LE ROUX is elected to the board of directors of ANORGEND and member of the national office. He becomes adviser to the President.

Officer in the Order of Academic Palms, he is also an auditor of the Institute of Higher National Defense Studies and the National School of Administration

Consequently, the President of the National Federation of Operational Reserves and Citizens of the National Gendarmerie has the honor of sponsoring the candidacy of Colonel (RCDS) Edouard LE ROUX for the Gold Medal of the Universal League of Public Good.


Chairman of the RATP Group Staff Mutual Fund and of the RATP Group Staff Health & Social Achievement Mutual Fund

Institutional/Communication: ensures relations with the various social partners and the management of the RATP company, and represents the Mutualist Group within the various Federal authorities.

Activity: active participation in the various responses to calls for tenders (Health or provident insurance), convocation and information to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly.

Compliance: legal representation of the Mutual, supervision of the implementation of Solvency 2, monitoring of the level of competence of the Board of Directors through the training plan, control of the application of decisions taken by the Board of Directors, control of the performance of the monitoring missions entrusted, evaluation of the level of competence of the Chief Executive Officer and control of the good repute of the Board of Directors.

Development/strategy: ensures the development of mutual health care and support services and participates in the definition of the Group’s strategic orientations.

Profitability/balance: management of the investments necessary for the various activities, carrying out negotiations of contributions to constitute in particular the regulatory solvency margin, contributes to and ensures the good balance of the Mutualist Group and risk management, produces the summary of the dashboards of the different group departments and ensures their presentation within the Group’s political bodies, and incurs expenses.

2005 – 2006: Head of the General Secretariat Department

Activity: management of medical visits and centralization of employee training schedules, guarantor of maintenance and logistical processing of orders in order to ensure staff safety, monitoring of stock and supply of Mutual insurance supplies and monitoring of mail processing times. Management/organisation: management of mail/secretarial/communication teams, supervision of deliveries to sites, organization of schedules in order to ensure that the teams’ tasks are carried out.

National Federation of French Mutuals – 426 Mutuals and 25 Regional Unions
September 2006 – September 2007 then from 2019 to date:
Administrator Mutualité Française lle de France – 250 Mutuelles
Since December 2009: AHQM Administrator
National Association of Mutual Employers
Since 2018: Administrator Groupe Mutualiste MPGR
Since 2016: Observer on the Board of Directors and member of the Risk Committee

2005 French Mutual Bank
Professional certification – CEGOS
Practice of general accounting Levels 1,2 and 3.
2004 National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM)
The Universal League for Public Good is honored to present you with its GOLD medal


2022 – 2013 Lecturer – I-IDR in private law, University of Paris 8, UFR Droit.
2022-2021 Visiting Professor, Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health,
2013 – 1997 Lecturer – HDR in private law at the Faculty of Law, University of Franche County. Teachings in Law, AES, Management from my L1 to M2 in private law and business law.

2022-2019 Head of the “Health” axis of the Paris 8 Legal Research Center (CRJP8) following the merger of the Research Center in Private Law and Health Law and the “Forces du droit” Research Center ›, University of Paris 8.
2019 – 2016 Co-director of the Research Center for Private Law and Health Law››, EA 1581,
University of Paris 8

Topics: Health law; Bioethics law; Research law; Health, digital law and artificial intelligence; Transhumanism; Ethics ; Civil right. HDR and Doctorate
2011 – Accreditation to supervise research (HDR): “Protection of the person: complementarity of legal and ethical approaches ››,
1996 – Doctorate in private law: “Personal protection in biomedical research ››

Postgraduate degrees
2010 – Master II Research – Mention Public Health – specialty Research in ethics. Memory :
“The participation of minors in the research decision-making process ››
1994 – D.E.A. History, society, civilization – sociology specialty, Dissertation: “Consultative Committees for the protection of persons in biomedical research ››
2021 – Specialization Certification Data Protection Officer, CNAM Paris,

2022 – 2020 Member of the team of the EVA UNESCO Chair on the ethics of the living and the artificial.
2022 – 2021 Coordinator, with Amandine Cayol, of research on “the rights of future generations at the borders of philosophy and bioethics”, Normandy Chair for Peace,
2022 – 2020 Member of the First International Observatory of Genetic Discrimination (GDO), McGill University, Montreal,
2022-2019 Member of the Scientific Council of the Fondation de droit continental,
2022 – 2002 Member of the International Institute for Research in Biomedical Ethics, a network of mainly French and Canadian researchers (IIREB)
2022 – 2002 Member of the Association for Research and Training in Medical Law, (international network of researchers in medical law).
2013 – 2011 Member of the Franco-Chinese Biolaw Association.

Many publications punctuate your career.

For your attachment to the Public Good, the Universal League for Public Good is honored to award you its Silver Medal with Palm and Crown.


Nationality: Moroccan and French

2006 – 2022 International Consultant / Legal Advisor – Business Creation and Investment
2007 – 2022 Ministry of Culture and Communication in Paris: Project manager
2010 – 2022 ESGCI (Ecole Supérieure de Gestion et Commerce International) + PSB: (Paris School Of Business) / Teacher / Communication and International Relations in Arabic and French
2003 – 2006 International SFRATS / Communication Officer
2001 – 2002 Ministry of Economy / Finance and Industry

Main Treasury of Neuilly-sur-Seine / Project Manager for Notaries, the General Treasury of Hauts de Seine and the Banque de France

    President of the International Ambassador Association in Neuilly-sur-Seine/
  • President of the “Islam-Salam” Association in Neuilly-sur-Seine
  • Initiator and founder of the CNFD (French National Council for Diversity)
  • Founder and President of the PPCR (Political Party of Republican Citizens)
  • Member of CIEUX / France / International
  • Member of the Universal League of Public Good / France

1996 and 1997 – Research Prize of the CIRJM / International Center for Research on the Jews of Morocco in Paris
2002 – Decoration by the President of the Iraqi Women’s Union in Baghdad, with the sign/medal “Al-Khalidates -the Eternals”
2010 – Honored by the City of Vernouillet / Department 28 / France, as Woman of the Year 2010 (French of Moroccan origin)
2014 Decoration by the Universal League of Public Good / France
2016 Decoration by His Excellency Bassirou SENE, Ambassador of Senegal in France, of the 1st Prize of Excellence of Senegal

Mrs. MOGHIR has been with the League for a long time, being already honored there and by the continuity of her work and her loyalty, the Universal League for Public Good is happy to award her the Gold Medal.

Jean-Claude PERRIN, Patrick MORIN

Once is not custom, but it deserves to be underlined in preamble, this evening we distinguish an association which is called: “The Book, the History and the Howitzer”.

This association aims to make known to the public the living history under the Revolution and the First Empire which is expressed through the manufacture of materials reconstituted identically, participation in historical reconstructions, models, conferences , exhibitions, etc.

Without enthusiasts, volunteers and volunteers, an association does not exist. The Universal League for Public Good which welcomes you this evening knows something about it.

The association “the Book, the History and the Howitzer” is above all an adventure of friends who for the most part are eternal young retirees, passionate about history and generous with their time, their knowledge, each one intervening in the extent of their skills, their talent, and their availability, but always to the maximum of their motivation.

You always have to keep a close eye on people who individually seem ordinary, and who in fact collectively achieve extraordinary things.

This is the case here, where this evening we are going to pay tribute to the thirty members of this association.

The association was created in 2001 by Jean-Claude Perrin, first around books and history, but also models and historical objects. Then very quickly in 2002 the howitzer was baptized.

The historical reconstitution group is created, highlighting the duty of memory in the context of various festivities relating to historical commemorations linked to the Empire and Napoleon.

Participation in historical events, whether re-enactments or cultural events, the association travels with arms and luggage.

Because today in 20 years, by dint of patience, teamwork and willpower, the association has often manufactured with a precision of “mm”, but at the cost of thousands of hours of work, military equipment from the Empire period in perfect working order:

  • A 6-inch howitzer, the only reproduction in the world of this type of piece
  • A 4-pounder artillery piece with its limber
  • A portable field forge
  • A mobile kitchen with 2 wheels, in copper according to the model exhibited in the Moscow museum and having belonged to Marshal MURAT. As for the howitzer, it is a unique piece never reproduced.

No wonder, that with this rare, exceptional historical equipment, in working order and a motivated team, it is at a rate of 10 major operations per year that the association progresses each year by participating in historical re-enactments:

  • Battles for example such as those of Austerlitz, Jena, Friedland, Eylau, Madrid, but also the Moskva, Leipzig, the French campaign, Waterloo, etc.
  • More confidential events such as the arrival of Marie-Louise in Compiègne or the Emperor’s farewell to Fontainebleau
  • Cultural concentrations like in Moscow in 2018 on the occasion of a historic festival where you were welcomed with open arms, in a much better way than Napoleon 200 years ago
  • In Nancy for the reconstitution of the trial of General DROUOT at the Court of Appeal of Nancy
  • At Maisons-Laffitte, Ajaccio, Rochefort for the return of the Hermione, at the Château de Vincennes, at the Hôtel des Invalides, at Epinal, at Pont à Mousson, etc.

These passionate volunteers do not stop!

As these young retirees never beat retirement and retirement is only a new beginning, all it takes is a meeting or a suggestion from one of the members of the association, for a new project to be launched as ambitious as it is emblematic of this epic of the Empire and Napoleon.

Two examples:

Even though the horse artillery of the Imperial Guard had its own standard, the foot artillery of this same Guard had been deprived of it from the outset.

It is not General DROUOT’s fault for having demonstrated to the Emperor on numerous occasions this lack of consideration.

When we know the value of a flag or a standard in the eyes of the soldiers who fight fiercely to tear off those of the enemy and bring them back victorious to the Emperor, we better understand the bitterness of the artillerymen on foot.

This is the challenge that will mobilize the association: that of reconstructing identically this ephemeral flag born in 1815 and disappeared 100 days later after the return of the Emperor.

One of the members of the association, Pascal GALLAUZIAUX known as “Barrois la Mitraille” has devoted 80 pages of memory to the detailed history of this ephemeral flag, enlightened by the very well documented letters of General DROUOT to the Emperor.

After the flag, comes the reconstruction, made identically, of the Emperor’s bread oven taken by the English at Waterloo and housed since in the museum of Winchester in England.

This bread oven, the counterpart of the soldiers’ rolling oven, could bake about ten loaves a day for the officers of the General Staff.

The “Book, History and Howitzer” association would be nothing without its members, starting with its Founding President, Jean-Claude PERRIN, here present.

Jean Claude PERRIN born March 31, 1946 in Neuves-Maisons (54) is grateful to his modest parents for having given him a taste for reading and history while forgiving him his mediocre schooling largely erased today because he is for 20 years, at the head of an association that he founded and which shines with all its fires in all the territories where the Emperor has paraded his hat!

No doubt the consequence of this book “Napoleon” by Octave AUBRY, illustrated with magnificent drawings of majestic uniforms offered on the occasion of his 6th birthday. Click! History has become his favorite subject.

It is a locomotive that drives its wagons at the speed of the Emperor’s marches, just as capable of galvanizing its friends as at the time the soldiers left Spain to go to Russia, with 30 kilos of equipment on the back, in precarious hygiene and food conditions but happy to win despite all this sometimes improbable military victories whose names are displayed today on the main arteries and monuments of our cities.

With the Emperor, a simple soldier could hope to become General and even Marshal, it was enough to deserve it and not to inherit it as under the Old Regime.

We often forget that BONAPARTE, before being NAPOLEON Emperor, was also a son of the Revolution.

Jean Claude PERRIN’s dream was to make the eyes of children and their parents shine, by sharing his passion for history with them through the 5 senses:
– Touching a uniform, a cannon, a seat in a staff tent,
– Breathe in the smells of gunpowder, forging, cooking
– Taste bread from the Emperor’s oven
– Dazzle everyone’s eyes at the sight of the colorful and full of panache uniforms
– And above all, at the firing of the cannon, vibrate in unison with the noise and the fury that makes the bodies and the windows of the buildings tremble.

The art of historical reconstruction must be the support for the knowledge of the suffering of men who, through their forced courage, have made the ephemeral glory of peoples.

Her dream came true, the caterpillar decided on emerging from her chrysalis to become a butterfly.

Bet succeeded and moreover, as he likes to repeat himself to whoever wants to hear it, telling the life of men, animals and equipment at the time of the Empire to please, it’s good , but being with your friends and having fun is another great reward!

As Jean-Claude PERRIN always places the group before the individual, it is right now to introduce you to some of his most active field soldiers.

Thank you to Patrick MORIN for representing the entire exceptional team of volunteers.

You were born on August 27, 1949 in Audincourt in the Doubs and your Napoleonic nickname is “lightning”.

After a fine career as an executive and then as a successful business manager, retirement comes in 2014 and allows you to free up time to satisfy your passion for history and in particular for the 1st Empire and its Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

It is you who will initiate the identical reconstruction of an emblematic cannon. This cannon named from the GRIBEAUVAL system, fires 4-pound cannonballs, It will be designed under Louis XVI then developed under the Empire with this particularity that it is the first time that a cannon was defined to be reproduced identically in many examples, a precursor to mass production and therefore of exemplary reliability.

This is how this gun ensured the supremacy of French artillery under the Revolution and the Empire. This cannon has a front end and is pulled by 4 horses

Once the plans have been recovered from the Invalides, it will take 2 years to produce this cannon that everyone can admire today in working mode as at the time.

But it will not be without difficulty, because the first copy which could only be certified in Germany, since France has given up this service, will explode into 1000 pieces without causing any harm, fortunately because confined in a bunker by the organism, which itself is located, Ironically historical fate, at ULM.

And yes ULM, mythical place of an exemplary Napoleonic victory since Napoleon went to ULM to triumph over the Austrian armies without firing a single shot, leaving the artillery to frighten the enemy. The Austrians capitulated without a fight.

It was the members of the association with the most skillful hands who made all the metal parts and the fittings of the barrel.

It now remains for me to introduce you to some very active members of the association.

Some are with us tonight.
– Thierry POUX, known as “la mie de pain”, his nom de guerre, Director of a penitentiary center in activity and secretary of the association, he wears a uniform of Lieutenant de Canonnier Coast Guard.
Thierry MAIRE, treasurer of the association, wears the uniform of the Foot Artilleryman of the Imperial Guard.
– Active General Michel LEDANSEUR wears the uniform of Colonel of Artillery of the 8th regiment, his mother prepares for him that of the Mounted Gunner of the Guard, the only one on the bivouacs to wear the Legion of Honor, but the real one in a military capacity.
Patrick FOURRIERE, retired doctor, good level athlete, joined the association in 2005 and strives to ensure that each member is able to lead one of the 5 workshops by talking about the life of the soldier at the time of the Empire through the materials of the association: the tent, the kitchen, the cannons, the forge, etc…
Denis BERNARD, active member of the office wears the uniform of General LAHOUSSAYE, he is able to tell the empire from A to Z.
Daniel ADNOT, his nom de guerre “la tinkering”. In front of this 80-year-old retiree, everyone admires his golden hands.
Luc BRICAIRE, self-proclaimed nom de guerre “black cannonball” wears the uniform of an Imperial Guard foot gunner, he is a specialist in the repair of old weapons of which he has an exceptional collection.
Pascal GALLAUZIAUX, member of the office known as “Barrois la mitraille”, extraordinary historian, has an extraordinary pen. He comes from the Foot Hunters of the Guard with the rank of Corporal and wears the uniform of Colonel at the General Staff aide-de-camp of Marshal OUDINOT.
Benoît VESSELLE travels the battlefields with the tools and instruments of a surgeon from the 1st Empire period.

All these people and those that I have not been able to name today are like those whom the Emperor Napoleon raised from the bottom of the social ladder to the rank of dignitaries of the Empire.

As the future always has its roots in the past, I invite you to share this passion that the association cultivates on a daily basis during this period of the 1st Empire when Napoleon Bonaparte still has a lot to teach us, especially today when repentance for the acts of the past becomes the imposed posture is where honor and panache are seen as outdated values.

This empire, which with Napoleon at its head, has in less than 20 years, marked in a unique way our history of France. Like all those “deserving” of the Napoleonic Empire, the association “le livre, l’Histoire et l’Obusier” and all its active and voluntary members, for these public actions, the defense of the values ​​of our history and the sharing with a wide audience deserves the respect and admiration of all of us.

It is for all of its qualities and for all the richness of your personal and collective history that the Universal League for Public Good wanted to honor you with its distinction by welcoming you into its association and giving you the Gold Medal.

Augustin IZEIDI et Mahamat HAROUN

Mr. Mahamat HAROUN and Mr. Augustin IZEIDI were born respectively; December 16, 1957 in Fort Lamy and February 10, 1962 in Kinshasa DRC.

As for Mr. HAROUN, he arrived in Belgium in 1970 to find his family there.

From 1983 to 1986, Mr. HAROUN was responsible for the return service at Edition Larousse Belgique for the reception, management and processing of all unsold items returned by Larousse wholesale customers in Belgium.

In 1987 Mr. HAROUN is at the base of the creation of a family company which is called Haroun Auto sarl. Given the need to find financing means to carry out the activities, Mr. HAROUN created, thanks to the participation of the Family, the company Haroun Auto SPRL, a company whose purpose is the purchase of luxury vehicles, 4X4s , trucks, for export to Africa.

His integration into this host country and his various actions carried out in the social, cultural and sporting fields earned him Belgian nationality in parallel with his status as a Chadian citizen.

In 2005, Mr. HAROUN set up Action Sport Concept SPRL, a company of which he holds the position of Managing Director. It accompanies and supervises professional athletes, several African football players have entered the professional world with the help of this structure; namely Haroun Faris currently at Fc Antwerp, Haroun Nadjim (Inter Chad) – Nicaise Kevin (Inter Chad) – Eric Matoukou, etc.

Today its subsidiary Bemanaged, managed by Haroun Sidi, takes care of the coaching and support of Pro players. Currently Vadis Odjidja, Pierre Bourdin, etc.

Management of the Managing Director Mr HAROUN Mahamat from 2020 Action Sport Concept, aims to organize sporting, cultural and social events. As part of these activities, a magazine entitled “The new Africa” is published to highlight the African continent and the people who contribute to its emergence. 2021- Appointment of Mr. HARQUN as official Member of the National Chamber for Discrimination and Racism URBSFA- Belgian Football Federation- UB (2 years)

These different postures enabled the applicant to officially create with Mr. IZEIDI the Friendly FOOT ASBL association in 2007 to help underprivileged children in the world by using sport as a means of education and social integration. Mr. IZEIDI holds the position of Chairman assisted by Mr. Haroun, Vice-Chairman.

Since its creation, this Friendly Foot association has benefited from the support of the world of Belgian and international football, such as Vincent Kompany, Faris Haroun, Marouane Fellaini, Moussa Dembélé, Khalilou Fadiga, Dieumerci Mbokani, Mbaye Leye, etc.

The Association is currently active in Belgium and Africa where it provides material aid and training to many children.

Within this framework, several activities are carried out: Organization of 2 annual training courses using the Cogitraining method which stimulates children’s football learning at the mental level, organization of information, awareness and training seminars according to the Cogitraining method, organization of evenings in order to to be able to carry out social programs. These evenings always end with a great raffle of football shirts donated by potential donor professional football players.

Friendly Foot is co-organizer of the African Awards with African Culture Promotion as a partner. The year 2013 was marked by the exhibition in the King Baudouin stadium of the Belgian national team on the theme: the relationship between Belgium and Africa from the angle of football

The activities carried out in various fields make Friendly Foot a transversal institution; namely: introduction of football for all and free football for disadvantaged children. In this context, several cultural and sporting activities have been carried out with the Red Cross. She also actively participated in World Refugee Day in collaboration with the Red Cross, Fedasil UN, the Belgian Ministry of the Interior to allow refugees to play a football match with professional players. For several years now, the “ebony shoe” event has entered the Belgian sports calendar. This one rewards the best football players not only African but also all the players of African origin evolving in the first 3 divisions of Belgians.

The works of Friendly Foot are not limited only to Belgium but also intended for Africa. Namely: support in equipment and training for football clubs in Congo; particularly to UJANA (Kinshasa) and Ecofoot FC (Kinshasa), also material support to Ecofuta located in Kisangani. Friendly Foot has had an international partnership agreement signed in Kinshasa between the schools of Ganshoren (Brussels municipality) and YMCA, institute of Matongé (DRC), agreement signed by the Alderman Mr Quentin Paelinck in the presence of his Mayor Mr Pierre Kompany and the Friendly Foot representatives, Mr. IZEIDI and Mr. HAROUN.

This same approach is carried out in Chad, the supply of equipment to the Thilam-Thilam school with which it has a partnership. Substantial jersey donations are periodically sent to football schools in Ndjamena, Chad.

In connection with the lnternational Academy KN / FO0Tl Etudes Métiers, Friendly foot has been designated Belgian operator to implement the program of training and support for young athletes and precarious for integration into major clubs and professional integration (PROPAJ) . This cooperation program between Senegal and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation covers 2021-2025, aims to train and integrate 60 young Senegalese footballers into the professional world of European football.

All of its activities are carried out under the chairmanship of Augustin IZEIDI. As for Augustin IZEIDI, President of Friendly Foot ASBL, he arrived in Belgium in 1965.

Mr. IZEIDI is an Insurer by Profession and he started his activities in the company Hamburg Manneheimer Consulting, for the training and recruitment of insurance agents. He set up funeral insurance and death insurance to help the poor.

He joined the “DELA” company where he brought major innovations for the benefit of the African community by setting up death insurance and repatriation of bodies. Aware of the need to find its autonomy in the field of Insurance,

Mr. IZEIDI created the company IZEIDI MOKOY, a musical part of which he is the manager of the 8 publishing houses of the works of his father Roger lZElDl (author composer producer) member of the orchestra which played independence tcha tcha in Brussels in 1960. various certificates obtained in the field of insurance undeniably show its conception of insurance, which must be for everyone, regardless of the social status and means of the individual.

The certificate produced by the Honorable Deputy FADILA LAANAN sufficiently testifies to the important roles played by the applicants, Augustin lZElDl and Mahamat HAROUN in the social, sporting and cultural fields.

Consequently, taking into account these different activities in the service of Humanity, The Universal League for Public Good is honored to award you its Gold Medal.

For Pope DIOUF given to Master Papa Khaly NIANG

We also presented the posthumous diploma and medal of Pape Diouf. Medal awarded to Alexandre FAURE, President of the Pape Diouf Foundation in Marseille. (You can read the initial speech on our previous publications.)

We also awarded an Honorary Diploma to Pierre KOMPANY, the first black mayor of Ganshoren in Belgium. We will have the pleasure of presenting him with our gold medal soon in these same places.

Thank you to the European violinist Myriam AUDIN who accompanied us with talent before and after our discounts. This musical accompaniment in these very Napoleonic salons was very much appreciated and we will endeavor to pursue the idea in our other award ceremonies.

Following these distinctions, a superb aperitif was served in the Vaugirard salon. Then return to the Pourpre lounge to enjoy a superb meal in a good atmosphere.

Thank you to the entire catering team, as well as to the lounge service, which was of high quality and very much appreciated, given the ovation they received before our departure.
